Push and Pull Marketing Strategy

Pull and Push Strategy in Marketing

How many times have you pushed a door you were supposed to pull? You can count on us, we won’t tell on you.

At this point in life, we won’t be surprised if you push every time you are supposed to pull. According to Vox journalist Joe Posner, it isn’t your fault that you push the door when you are supposed to pull it. It’s the door’s fault and how they are made.

But, you cannot justify this in marketing techniques. You need to clearly understand the difference between push and pull strategy in marketing.

Push and Pull Strategy in marketing

Let’s start with understanding these terms. Push strategy in marketing connects the consumer directly with the product. It sort of pushes out content to the public. This can be seen when your company sends email offers, printed mailers, displays, etc.

Pull strategy in marketing focuses on bringing the customers to you. It might direct your audience to your webpage or social media. You’ll advertise your product digitally and convince them to seek your product.

Let’s analyze pull marketing and push marketing in detail.

Push strategy in marketing

Do you know how you sometimes push your friend to encourage them to do something? Push marketing works in the same way. You push your product towards a specific audience. This enables them to see your products at the point of purchase.

Push marketing further lets you focus on acquiring customers for immediate sale, increasing your sales volume and brand loyalty. This strategy can be worked with in B2B as well as B2C spaces.

If you want to target new customers and leads, you need to promote your product to customers who are unaware of your brand. You can look over the following push strategy examples to get an understanding:

• Broadcast media:

You can start by displaying your commercials on television or radio. You can choose a specific channel and a specific time to promote your services to the desired consumer base.

• Line of sight:

This strategy focuses on how visible your product is. How many times have you purchased chewing gum at the cashier because it was right in front of you? You can display your products at the point of purchase so that it’s within the customer’s line of sight, increasing your sale.

• Targeted emailing:

Targeted emailing is sending out messages to consumers who are likely to be interested in your product. Direct advertising like this will catch a potential customer’s attention and will redirect them to your services.

Pull strategy in marketing

While push strategy pushes out your product to specific consumers, pull strategy focuses on increasing the number of consumers who are interested in buying your product.

You would initiate a direct marketing campaign that will attract consumers to go to a specific retailer to buy your product. This way you aren’t forcing consumers into hasty decisions, but rather giving them time to compare alternatives.

With a pull strategy, your consumers will understand the real value of your goods and services. This will enable brand loyalty and build longer relationships with your consumers. Following are some pull marketing examples:

• Social media:

Instagram and Facebook are really good platforms to display your product line. You can strategically use Instagram ads in such a way that consumers are pulled to your feed and are swept by your amazing products.

• SEO:

With appropriate keywords, you can pull people to your site and raise awareness around your brand. SEO is a must-practice these days where you blog your product or general services to drive in customers.

• Cross promotion:

This is self-explanatory. You partner up with a related website and promote your product to increase brand awareness and trust. This way you will get the desired audience at your bay.

Push vs. Pull marketing

Push marketing is more focused on bringing in new customers and hence increasing your sales. Pull marketing, on the other hand, focuses more on existing customers and maximizing their brand awareness.

Pull marketing focuses more on online strategies whereas push marketing is a mix of online and offline strategies. Confused about how to decide on which tool to use?

• Need of the hour – Have you launched a new product? If yes, then push marketing is suitable for you. However, if you are revamping your existing product, then along with push, you’ll need to focus on pull marketing.

• Budget – You’ll need to give appropriate funds to either of the strategies and based on your requirements, can choose which one to use.

• Sales or Consumer engagement – Pick your poison, do you want to increase sales or increase consumer engagement? If it’s the first one then you need to loop in push marketing, otherwise, pull marketing works well for you

Even though you can classify your marketing techniques into push and pull marketing, you should combine them. Building brand loyalty and engagement is important but so is increasing sales to generate revenue.

Using direct marketing and making people aware of your product will build up your consumer base and lead you on to the path of success.

We have helped you to understand the differences between push and pull marketing but you need an expert’s opinion on which to use when. Don’t worry, we are here to help you with that too.

Bright Brain is a Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency with a focus on building digital solutions for Branding and Increased Sales efficiency. Our expertise includes Digital Advertising Campaigns, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, and Online Branding. Our Google Partnership brings a unique opportunity to work with the internal team at Google, adding even more value to our team & clients.

Arranging your budget along with your requirements is essential and we can’t leave you alone to do that. After all, we are all about pulling in our customers.

Suhail Bajaj

Suhail Bajaj is the CEO of BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP that has now grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency with 55+ employees and clients from 7+ countries – all under his supervision. Graduated with an MBA from the esteemed Cass Business School, he brilliantly puts his learnings into practice, helping brands meet their business goals and succeed in a digital-first world.

Suhail Bajaj

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